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We belief that Professional and ethical reporting is the cornerstone to access to information. People deserve to know.

We work to support Somali journalists to work ethically and professionally. We provide training ranging from basic journalistic skill to thematic areas.

The first draft of history is written by journalists.” – Richard Rhodes

Opportunities for Journalists

We work with media professionals and media houses to provide opportunities of learning to journalists that otherwise would not have them.

Learning Mechanisms

We work with media houses to help them develop internal learning mechanism. We believe that media professionals and journalists can learn from one another.

Hirad Network

We create network, such as the Hirad network, to connect media professionals and journalists.

Tailored capacity building

Professional and ethical reporting require skills and knowledge. Somali journalists lack these fundamental skills and knowledge. We bridge this gap and work with journalists, media professionals, and media houses to provide opportunities of learning to journalists that otherwise would not have them. These range from basic journalism skills to specialised thematic knowledge. We use experiential learning to guide our participants in their development journey.

Continues learning opportunities

We believe that the media landscape will improve when media houses put ethical and quality reporting as their main aim. We help them develop internal learning mechanism to achieve this. We believe that media professionals and journalists can learn from one another. We work with media houses to develop practical and open source learning material and tools. Coaching and mentoring form a cornerstone of supporting media professional in their development. Together with media associations, we look at ways of finding cross learning.

Sustainable Learning mechanisms

Trainings and courses alone are not enough to transform the media landscape. There is need to embed this into a structural support infrastructure. Universities and media association play a vital role in this infrastructure. We support universities and colleges to provide an accessible learning trajectory. We support in developing curricula and train educators in the for of training of trainers.